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Draycott and Rodney Stoke Church of England First School

Wraparound Care

We run a breakfast club every morning from 7.45am and an after-school club to 5.30pm on Monday to Thursday and to 4.30pm on Fridays. After-School clubs are a vital part of school life and offer children a variety of experiences whilst providing parents the flexibility with their own work commitments. After School Clubs change every term which you will be notified on Dojo.  Clubs are available for all children over the age of 3.


Breakfast Club

Monday - Friday (7.45am - 8.45am)

Cost: £4 per session to include breakfast or £1 if you drop off at 8:30am (no breakfast)


Breakfast Club is open to all children aged 3 and over attending Draycott and Rodney Stoke Pre-School and First School. They are given a healthy breakfast and take part in a range of calm activities to prepare them for the school day. At 8.45am, a member of staff accompanies any Pre-School children to their classroom.


After-School Club

Monday - Thursday to 5.30pm; Friday to 4.30pm

Cost: £4 per hour


Our popular 'Stay and Play' After-School Club, is based in the Hall and, as much as possible, outside. It runs from 3.15pm - 5.30pm on Monday - Thursday (Friday is 3.15 - 4.30pm) and costs £4 per hour. It will give children the chance to relax and wind down after the school day; they will be able to have a snack, drink, play some board games, do arts & crafts or have a play in the playground with friends.


Please book your child's space on Parent Pay via your account.  Select the dates your need, 48 hours notice is required. 


In addition to 'Stay and Play', we also offer Sports Club, STEM Club or Green Club - this changes throughout the year and you will be informed through Class Dojo.
