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Draycott and Rodney Stoke Church of England First School

Kestrel Class (Years 3 and 4)

Class Overview 

A warm welcome awaits you in Kestrel class.  We are a mixed age class of year 3 and 4 children.  The lead teacher is Mrs Smith, with Mrs Budd teaching each Friday.  

We are fortunate to have Mr Sage each Tuesday to teach French and MS Higgs is teaching Brass lessons to the class, also on Tuesdays.

Our Learning Support Assistants are Mrs Head and Mrs Green.


Our aim is to not only educate our children but to nurture them too.  We encourage them to become more independent learners, which is in readiness for their move to middle school.  Their well-being is a high priority, and we know our children very well, thus enabling us to understand and support their individual needs.

We want the children to fulfill their potential, so will challenge them to achieve their best at all times.  How this looks will differ form child to child, with some finding practical activities more of a challenge, whilst others may find it harder to write or complete maths problems.  However this looks for your child, we are dedicated to supporting their growth and educational journey.

Age Group:

7-9 (Years 3 and 4)


Class Size:




Mrs Jo Smith

Mrs Lisa Budd


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Danii Green - Monday - Wednesday

Mrs Lindsey Head - Wednesday - Friday

Curriculum and Learning

All curriculum and learning information for parents is now shared via half termly updates using our ClassDojo pages. Please check there for information related to this half term's curriculum. Please contact the school office if you don't have a logon for ClassDojo. 

Academic Year 2023 -2024
