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Draycott and Rodney Stoke Church of England First School

How is children’s learning and development shared with parents?

We place a high value on our relationships with parents and families. We understand that if children see a strong relationship between their primary carer and us as staff, they are more likely to settle well and build a strong bond with their key person. The key person engages and supports parents and/or carers in guiding their child’s development at home.


Informal conversations with parents, day to day, provide a good opportunity to celebrate successes. For those parents we don’t see as often, our online platform ClassDojo gives us this opportunity. Throughout their time in Skylark Class, if a child’s progress gives cause for concern, we discuss this with the child’s parents and/or carers and agree how to support the child.


More detailed ‘wow moments’ (significant steps in learning) are recorded using Tapestry and shared with parents online. Parents contribute similar ‘wow moments’ from home.


More formal opportunities are given throughout the year for a 1:1 appointment with EYFS staff when parents and/or carers are kept up-to-date with their child’s progress and development.
