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Uniform is worn at Draycott & Rodney Stoke Church of England First School. The school colours are grey, white and royal blue and items with the school logo can be purchased from South West Schoolwear. A second-hand ‘swap shop’ is organised by the PTA. Please have a look at the PTA Facebook group if you would like to know what is available.
Our uniform comprises:
- white polo shirt
- grey skirt/pinafore/trousers/shorts
- royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (with logo)
- grey or white socks/tights
- sensible and safe shoes or sandals: These should not be trainers, boots or open-toed sandals and should be black.
School uniform can be purchased direct from South West School Wear in Wells:
Parents should ensure that children have outdoor clothing in school e.g. waterproof and/or warm coat, sunhat that is appropriate to the weather and time of year.
PE Kit
For good hygiene and safety reasons, it is important that children change for their PE lessons. All children should have a named PE bag (preferably drawstring) in school.
PE kit comprises (no branded logos):
- white t-shirt
- blue/black shorts
- black daps/trainers
(please check these termly as we find children have often outgrown them)
- children may wear tracksuit trousers in cold weather
Please put your child’s name on ALL articles of clothing. Named property which is found is returned to the owner. We do not take any responsibility for unmarked lost property.
Children should not wear any form of jewellery to school. Children with pierced ears should only wear studs, which must be removed by the child for PE, games or swimming lessons. Watches are the responsibility of the owner.
For safety reasons and to help concentration, long hair should be tied back securely with a tie of a restrained colour and style. This is for boys and girls.
Children need to bring the following to school each day:
- Book bag
- Their reading book and reading record book
- A named water bottle with water (not juice or squash)
- Spelling, times tables books as appropriate
- Coat/waterproof/sunhat as appropriate
- Pencils, erasers etc
- Toys from home
- Valuable possessions
- Medication such as cough ‘sweets’ or suncream
The school cannot be responsible for damage to or loss of items brought in from home.