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Draycott and Rodney Stoke Church of England First School

Spring Term


Spring Term 3 and 4


What will we be learning about?

  • What is a 'coastline'?
  • What are the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom?
  • Exploring Weston-super-Mare as our local coastal town- a visit to Weston Museum and Weston Seafront
  • Water safety with a visit from the RNLI
  • Taking care of our coastline
  • Uses of different materials
  • Plant survival
  • Flowers- combining science and art to create our own clay flower model


Our writing focus

We'll be using the book 'The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch' as a stimulus for our writing. We will also be finding out about Grace Darling and the RLNI. As we move on through our topic, we will be exploring the physical and human features of coastal regions across the United Kingdom, including an exploration of our local coastal town, Weston-super-Mare. 




Some of our class texts include:

Knowledge Organiser
