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Draycott and Rodney Stoke Church of England First School

Home Learning

There is so much available online to support learning at home. A quick 'Google' search results in lists of possibilities. We have suggested of few of the best below to make this choice a little easier for you. 

Learning to read - phonics

Supporting with phonics can seem tricky as the way the children are taught to say the sounds may feel different to when you were learning to read. We highly recommend these video clips as a good place to start to give you confidence when supporting your children. 

What is phonics? | Oxford Owl

Get a definition of phonics and understand the key aspects of learning to read using phonics. Learn more about key terms such as 'phonemes', 'blending' and '...

Phonics: How to pronounce pure sounds | Oxford Owl

Learn how to pronounce all 44 phonics sounds, or phonemes, used in the English language with these helpful examples from Suzy Ditchburn and her daughter.Find...

How to support phonics learning at home | Oxford Owl

Understand learning to read using phonics and how to put reading with phonics into practice at home with Emily Guille-Marrett and her son Albie.Find more pho...

Phonics help: top 10 tips | Oxford Owl

Get top tips for developing phonics skills at home, advice on decoding and blending words, and how to make the phonics sounds correctly from phonics expert a...

Number Bonds

Number bonds are the different ways to make the same total. We usually think of this as number bonds to ten, but actually it's useful for children to know the number bonds to lots of totals. Ten is a good place to start and you can use Numicon as a really visual way to see how the number ten is made. Watch this video for an explanation of how you can use Numicon as a daily part of supporting your child's learning at home. We have also added the printable version of Numicon. 

Number bonds to 10 using Numicon.

Printable Numicon Shapes to use at home

What is the 'part-whole' model? How can Numicon help?

Part Whole Model Example Using Numicon for number bonds to 10 White Rose Hub Inspired

This has been created to demonstrate how a part whole model can be used to move through the concrete, pictorial and abstract stages of representing number bo...
