

School Logo

Draycott and Rodney Stoke Church of England First School


We currently have spaces available in all our classes, from Preschool to Year 4.

Somerset Local Authority is the admission authority for Reception children at Draycott & Rodney Stoke C of E First School, and places will be allocated in accordance with their published arrangements. Should your child wish to transfer in-year, you can apply directly to the school. Copies of these arrangements can be obtained by calling Somerset Direct on 0845 3459122, or visiting the Somerset County Council website.

Applications for Reception 2025 are now open.  Please apply online at:


We would love to show you around Draycott & Rodney Stoke First School before you make the decision to send your child here. Please call the office on 01934 742052 or email us using the contact form to make an appointment.

School Catchment Map
