

School Logo

Draycott and Rodney Stoke Church of England First School


Statement of Intent

Geography is all about equipping children with the knowledge and skills they need to understand, explore and appreciate the world around them. We want to inspire in children a natural curiosity and love for both the natural and human aspects of the world. Our broad, balanced and diverse Geography curriculum makes many links to the local environment. Opportunities are provided for children to experience diverse places, people and resources; learn how to navigate the world both locally and globally; understand the significance of human impact on Earth, as well as ongoing natural processes; and importantly, for children to understand their own place in the world. 



Geography projects are well sequenced to provide a coherent subject scheme that develops children’s geographical knowledge, skills and subject disciplines. Geographical locations are not specified in the national curriculum, so they have been chosen to provide a broad and diverse understanding of the world.


Where there are opportunities for making meaningful connections with other projects, geography projects are sequenced accordingly. For example, children revisit the geography of settlements in the history project ‘School Days’ after studying types of settlements in the geography project Bright Lights, Big City.


All geography projects are taught in the autumn and spring terms, with opportunities for schools to revisit less secure concepts in the summer term.


Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2)

Each Autumn term begins with essential skills and knowledge projects. Teaching these projects in Years 1 and 2 enables children to be introduced to, or revisit, critical geographical concepts, aspects, skills and knowledge. These projects prepare children for the study of more thematic geography projects in the following term.

In the spring term of Year 1, children study the project Bright Lights, Big City. This project introduces children to the geography of urban environments and the physical and human features of the United Kingdom.

In contrast, in the spring term of Year 2, children carry out a detailed study of coastal geography in the project Coastline. This project introduces children to the geography of coastal environments and provides children with the opportunity for in-depth coastal fieldwork.


Lower Key Stage 2 (Year 3 and 4)

In Lower Key Stage 2, children begin with essential skills and knowledge projects (One Planet, Our World in Year 3 and Interconnected World in Year 4). Teaching these projects in Years 3 and 4 enables children to further develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of key geographical aspects and concepts and prepares them to study more thematic geography projects in the following term.


In the spring term of Year 3, children study the project Rocks, Relics and Rumbles, which explores physical features and geographical phenomena, including earthquakes and volcanoes. In contrast, in the spring term of Year 4, children carry out a detailed study of the physical features of mountains and rivers, which includes opportunities for in-depth fieldwork.



By the end of KS1, all children will be able to:

·       Develop knowledge about the world, United Kingdom and their locality

·       Understand subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography

·       Begin to use geographical skills (including first-hand observation) to enhance their locational awareness.


By the end of KS2, all children will be able to:

·       Extend their knowledge and understanding beyond the local area to include the UK and Europe, North and South America.

·       Develop understanding of the location and characteristics of a range of the world’s most significant human and physical features.

·       Develop their use of geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to enhance their locational and place knowledge
